You recognize that you can’t go very long with margins shrinking because your costs rise faster than your prices do. But maybe you feel that there isn’t much you can do about it, that “the market sets our prices.” Or you might say, “I suspect that some of our prices are too low, but I don’t know which prices, how much, or what we can do about it.” Or that your key people aren’t all on board with pushing for improved pricing and margins.
Certainly, market forces will influence the prices at which your customers will buy from you. But as many companies have learned, some of the factors holding your prices down are internal. Some customers, on some products and transactions, would pay more if your company doesn’t give them the opportunity to pay less.
Get a better grasp of which constraints on price are real and which are imagined, and your profitability can jump. Marketwerks has a better alternative than living with unrelenting margin pressure. Our Pricing Clarity Workshop will help you see where you have more opportunity for pricing improvement than your team realizes, and more power to act.